Congrats to Model of the Month Connor Antico! Height: 6′ Shoe: 11 Based in New York Seeking Representation It was thanks to a football injury in high school that Connor Antico gave musical theater a try and soon redefined what “awesome play” meant in his life. He...
The Casting Couch: How Big a Role Does it Play in the Modeli...
posted by jill
Sexual Harassment—Just Part of the Job for Models? With the Harvey Weinstein scandal blowing Hollywood’s cover on sexual abuse, insiders in acting’s sister industry of modeling are laying bare the all-too-common violations against models’ bodies and dignity. Top model Edie...
My Modeling World Encounter With Donald Trump
posted by jill
The Donald’s Model History This is not going to be a political post, but let me just say that I’m not using “model,” as in ideal, and I can’t bring myself to title this “My Modeling World Encounter With President Donald Trump.” Enough said. My...
Model of the Month: Danisha Scott
posted by jill
June Model of the Month… Congrats Danisha! Height: 5’10″ Â Â 32-24-37 Â Â Size: 2 Â Â Shoe: 9 Based in New York Seeking Representation Danisha, who hails from Jamaica, is currently in New York checking out acting schools. She is interested in modeling, acting, and singing....
Modeling Ethical Dilemma: To Pose in Fur or Not
posted by jill
Modeling Fur at Fashion Week Fur, fur, fur—it was everywhere at Fashion Week. Is the dream of a fur-free Fashion Week an impossible one? The Pros & Cons of Posing in Fur Models have always been on both sides of the fur debate. There are those who pose in fur and walk the runways donning...