The key to a child model/actor’s success is a patient, devoted, financially solvent stage parent! People are always asking me about getting their kids into modeling. It looks easy: e-mail some pics of your cutest kid ever to a modeling agency and wait for Gap to call regarding shoot...
Stagemoms: When Push Comes to Shove
posted by jill
I took three-year-old T to another Toys-R-Us booking last Friday. We have our routine now: I bring an abundant bag of snacks, she picks the movie. T opted for “Wizard of Oz” (“Muzard of Oz” —I love the mispronunciation phase). As Judy Garland’s unforgettable...
Toys-R-Us Booking, Take 2 (and some male model eye candy)
posted by jill
After T’s last Toys-R-Us booking, I had a feeling that I rarely had when I was a model: They’ll book her again. This was not necessarily good considering the net profit situation (see Toys-R-Us Booking Equals Mega Bucks?). But you don’t say no to your agency—or your...
Toys R Us Booking Equals Mega Bucks?
posted by jill
For a little background on child modeling and the casting process, first READ THIS and then THIS. Now, we can get into tabulating the net profits from the Toys-R-Us booking that came along a couple of castings later. (We will set aside the gas, tolls, train tix, ferris wheel diversion, work...