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I'll Take Ding Dong Ditch Over Fortnite Any Day, The Washington Post

I'll Take Ding Dong Ditch Over Fortnite Any Day, The Washington Post

It was 10:30 p.m. on New Year’s Eve 2018. I found three boys, rolled into fetal positions near two sets of outlets in my bedroom. Their eyes appeared rabid as their fingers worked furiously on cellphones they gripped like straws over plates of white lines at Studio 54 in 1978. The analogy isn’t hyperbole; some experts say video gaming affects the frontal cortex and raises dopamine levels just like drugs or sex. Considering their all-consuming obsession and the lack of social skills developing in our little screen junkies, we may not have to worry so much about the latter. Until they move back home into the basement, with their Wii and virginity, in their late 20s. CONTINUE TO FULL STORY: Copy and paste this link into your browser to go directly to the story online: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2019/01/07/ding-dong-ditch-is-good-parenting-age-fortnite/?utm_term=.f35be94808e8
Education Reform: Grading the Common Core

Education Reform: Grading the Common Core

Tags: education reform, Common Core, Westport, SBAC tests, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, CCSS, SBAC results, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Gail Laveille, Anne Fernandez, Schooled: Ordinary, Extraordinary Teaching in an Age of Change, Thomas Scarice, Madison CT, Valerie Strauss education blog, Jack Bestor, Long Lots psychologist, Westport Board of Education, Michael Gordon, Missy Manna, Pearson, MacGraw Hill, James D'Amico, curriculum director, Julie Droller, K literacy level, Westport student progress reports, Darcy Hicks, Staples High SchoolRead the article
Follow Your Heart, Tango magazine

Follow Your Heart, Tango magazine

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Procreation Theory, Tango magazine

Procreation Theory, Tango magazine

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Happy Birth Days, Greenwich magazine

Happy Birth Days, Greenwich magazine

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That's Entertainment, Stamford magazine

That's Entertainment, Stamford magazine

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