If you are an aspiring model or actor and are looking for an agent or manager who covers New York and Connecticut, come to this open call! Check out DWKingTalent.com Good...
Model Catwalk 101: Kids Rock the Runway 2014
posted by jill
Modeling & Acting Workshops If you live in the tri-state area, Images Workshop by Debra Somerville hosts modeling and acting workshops that are affordable, legit, classy, and most of all: FUN! Check out the footage from Rock the Runway and that comes across. Even my shy 8-year-old loved it...
petitePARADE NYC: Putting the Glam in Kid Modeling
posted by jill
Kids Fashion Week Models need to be five-ten to strut the runways in the Big Apple, right? Nope. A parade of pint-sized models worked the catwalks on October 18 and 19 and wowed reporters with their fashion flair at Kids Fashion Week. These future supermodels, many in the two- to three-foot...
Modeling Tip: The Key to a Child Model or Actor’s Succ...
posted by jill
The key to a child model/actor’s success is a patient, devoted, financially solvent stage parent! People are always asking me about getting their kids into modeling. It looks easy: e-mail some pics of your cutest kid ever to a modeling agency and wait for Gap to call regarding shoot...
How to Get Your Kid into Modeling
posted by jill
I’m getting a lot of questions lately from moms who want advice about how to launch their cute kiddo’s modeling career. You’ve come to the right place. Unethical people are lurking out there, ready to prey on parents who are clueless. You may be hit with all kinds of enticing...
Stagemoms: When Push Comes to Shove
posted by jill
I took three-year-old T to another Toys-R-Us booking last Friday. We have our routine now: I bring an abundant bag of snacks, she picks the movie. T opted for “Wizard of Oz” (“Muzard of Oz” —I love the mispronunciation phase). As Judy Garland’s unforgettable...