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Modeling Tip: The Best Place to Put on Makeup

Whether you are heading outside for a shoot or are putting on your everyday daytime makeup, do not apply your makeup in the bathroom! Find a window with nice natural light and put on your makeup in front of it. The inconvenience of using a hand mirror will be outweighed by how much better you will look with makeup that matches the environment you will be in. This was the only tear sheet I could use from an editorial job in Madrid, because of the horrible makeup! The fill-in makeup artist applied a ton of foundation and white powder (!) to my face in poor lighting in the RV. Out in the sun, I looked like Queen Elizabeth I. Total bummer because the photos were nice otherwise.

Jill Johnson Editorial

Bad makeup ruined these tear sheets.

One of my favorite makeup artists, Carmindy of “What Not to Wear” fame, has lots of tips on her site, a makeup line (Sally Hansen Natural Beauty), and several great books out: Carmindy.com

Learn how to “Carmindize” your face and other great tips from Carmindy in this video: