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A Day in the Life of a Kid Model
Behind the Scenes at a Child Modeling Shoot
So what’s it really like, working as a mini model? I’ve written a lot of posts on the subject through the years, using my kids as guinea pigs. You can read those posts here: Child Modeling (scroll back for more posts within that section). Â This particular post will focus on working with our new favorite client:Â The Children’s Place.
Model Fun On and Off Set
This team really knows how to turn work into play. For this shoot they had a skateboard park built on the set! A game room at Dune Studios is the kids’ hangout and they run from studio to studio, playing in packs, like kids on a playground. Child models tend to be outgoing, so they all bond quickly and Natalia and her friend Naya were begging for a playdate after shooting together their first day (never mind the 3-year age difference)! The catering for breakfast and lunch offers a smorgasbord of food items, plus too many desserts (of course the kids never touch that stuff—ha!).
How Long Is a Kid’s Modeling Shoot?
The models are usually booked for at least 4 hours and days can run as long as 8 hours. They will go in for a fitting, usually about an hour long, before their actual shoot day(s). That way the stylist can ensure the outfits fit perfectly and pin and tuck here and there as needed. At the shoot, the models go to hair and makeup first—the girls usually love that part! Each kid shoots an outfit every few hours, so it’s a pretty leisurely pace. (I remember catalog shoots where I had 16 outfits in one day—now that’s work!). There is plenty of time for playing, and hopefully some school work!
Model Guardians
A parent or chaperone needs to be present for each model, but all we do is sit around and chat, eat, scold our kids for eating too many sweets, coerce them into doing homework, write (me), and help them get in and out of outfits—the young kids, anyway—especially if a neckline has been pinned tightly. It’s a role I much prefer to criss-crossing my suburban town 5x a day, driving kids to soccer fields and dance studios!
Here is an awesome peek behind the scenes (look for the super cute non-kid model in this video!):Â CHILDRENS PLACE BACK-TO-SCHOOL SHOOT
Enter your cutie in the Modeling Mentor Model Search!
Such a cool photo shoot, and a neat look behind the scenes. Wished they had more opportunities like that where we are from.