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Top Kid Model Agencies in NYC
The Best Child Modeling Agencies in New York City
If you are looking for representation for your cutie patootie in the Big Apple, here are a few questions to ask yourself first:
1. Do you live near New York City? If you are in Iowa, it’s going to be a long trip to get to castings! Most child models repped in the city live in the tristate area (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut). NY Models, for example, takes submissions from kids who live within 2 hours of the Big Apple.
2. Do you know what is involved with child modeling? Get educated by reading these posts (scroll back for more): Child Models.
3. Are you realistic? Manage your expectations before you even start your agency search. Modeling is super competitive. Success requires a combination of luck, good genes, the right personality, tenacity, and geographic compatibility (the closer you are to NYC or another large market, like L.A., the better your odds. BUT don’t relocate just to up your kid’s odds. Chances are their income won’t pay the cable bill, let alone rent).
So with those minor considerations behind us, here’s a list of the creme de la creme of kids’ modeling agencies (click on the links to their sites for submission details):
New York Model Management’s Kids Division
My allegiance to NY Models dates back two decades to my own career, so I have to list them first! Actually, that history aside, the fantastic experience I’ve had with the kids bookers there would nudge NY Models into #1. They are professional, organized, and understanding (this last trait is a wee bit rare in bookers, by the way).

James Miller, NY Models (trivia: my son did a movie and music video with James. He is an awesome kid and had a great kid modeling career. He’s now a budding teen actor.)
I have some history here as well. Generation was a loyal advertiser when I ran Tear Sheet magazine. They are still a top agency for young faces. They also have a TV division. (Most modeling agencies have a relationship with talent agencies, and actor-model crossover is common.)
Wilhelmina Kids & Teens
A division of Wilhelmina, Wilhelmina Kids & Teens reps models and actors, from babies to older teens. Wilhelmina is one of the original “Big 4″ modeling agencies in NYC, alongside Ford, Elite, and Zoli.
Funny Face
Super happy (or unhappy) with your child’s agency? Comment and give us the scoop! Don’t forget to enter the Modeling Mentor Model Search to gain exposure to agents! Winners of my model search are now represented by top agencies in NYC, LA, Atlanta, Paris, London, and in all major markets in Asia!
Wanna be a model live in Texas and 15
Hi Victoria, You should enter my model search so I can see your photos and have more info to guide you. Enter here: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
Also read as much as you can on my blog to learn more about how the modeling industry works: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/
Good luck!
My daughter is 15 and wants to see if modeling is for her were would i start
Your daughter should enter my model search so I can see your photos and have more info to guide her. Enter here: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
Also read as much as you can on my blog to learn more about how the modeling industry works: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/
Good luck!
My daughter is 15 we live in Tennessee she is 6 foot 2 and a half and would like to see if modeling would be for her
Hi Renee,
6’2 1/2″ is actually a bit too tall. She won’t fit in a lot of the clothes. Can she pass for 6’1″?…
She should enter my model search so I can see her photos. Enter here: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
Also read as much as you can on my blog to learn more about how the modeling industry works: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/
Good luck!
Do you have any office close to Mobile,Al
Hi Tabitha,
I’m not an agent. I blog about modeling and acting and mentor aspiring models and actors. There isn’t much of a modeling market near you, unfortunately. You would have to venture to Atlanta, Miami, or Dallas, which are moderate markets. Most of the work is in New York and L.A. You can enter my model search here: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
Best of luck!
My child is 12 and a we live in Maine and she is 5 feet 1 inch and I was wondering if there is any modeling castings for her or if modeling could be her thing
Hi Bailey, Well, unfortunately that age and height is tough. She is just heading into the dead zone. Child modeling tends to end when a kid hits 5’1″ or 5’2″ and then there isn’t much until adult modeling at age 18. (There used to be a lot more work for tall teens in the women’s division, but new labor laws make it more complicated and costly to employ anyone underage–tutors need to be supplied, minors can’t work as many hours or as late as adults, etc.—so clients generally want models who are 18+). If it looks like she will reach 5’9″ at least, then around age 15, you can reach out to the agencies in NYC and submit photos. Submit to my model search and then we can stay in touch: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
I have a friend with a beautiful and well mannered little 1 yr old in New Jersey. Just want to steer them in the right direction. Trying to avoid the places that just take photos to build a portfolio and then never get any work for the child. I thought Ford or Willimena. Please advise thanks
Ford doesn’t rep kids anymore. Here is a post that will point her in the right direction: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/top-kid-model-agencies-in-nyc/
And if she wants to educate herself about child modeling in general, she should read these posts: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/category/child-models/ (scroll back for more)
Best of luck to her
My niece is 12 and about 5’5 and she’s taken in interest in wanting to model we live on Long Island, New York and I don’t really know where to start and help her
Hi Sheyla,
She’s in a bit of a dead zone right now, as kid modeling ends around 5’2″ and many clients are now using age 18+ for women’s modeling. You should start by entering her in my model search, though: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
You also can subscribe to my free monthly newsletter to stay in the loop on the model search and modeling tips and news: http://modelingmentor.us5.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=9ac8c2abbe1af96e0b38238cb&id=2742c18b6e
You can learn a lot about the modeling industry by reading my blog posts. LMK if you have more questions.
Best of luck, Jill
My son is 7 years old and he is around 47” ish tall. We live in Massachusetts, he have a different look , so fotogenic with a big personality . He did his first audition last November and he was picked for a national commercial that is playing now at Nick Jr. He did well and had a great time and wants to pursuing . Now I am looking for guidance , how to proceed and where to go for education ( theater , dance ,acting ) and reputable model agencies …
Hi Mara, Wow, congrats on the national commercial! That’s awesome! Do you live near Boston? I’m a huge fan of Company Theater in Norwell. They have a great youth program. I don’t have any direct experience with this agency, but it has been around for a while: http://www.modelclubinc.com/getting-started/be-discovered
You should submit to my model search: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
Best of luck with lots of continued success.
Hi I wanted to get my 3.5 year old into Modeling she loves taking photos everywhere we go everybody says that I should put her into modeling I just don’t know where to go from here we just moved to Connecticut so hopefully you can help me with that
Hi Kimberly, You should submit to my model search: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
When you submit, let me know where you are in CT.
Good luck!
I have a genuinely happy and photogenic 5-month-old. Everyone who meets her and sees her always compliments us on how happy and beautiful she is. Is there any advice as to where I can get her started on baby modeling; preferably print work? We’re eager to see if this is something we should pursue. Thank you in advance.
Hi Sasha,
Why don’t you submit her to my model search? The link to enter is here: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
Look forward to seeing your cutie patootie
My daughter’s been signed to an agency for over a year, and I can count the number of go-see’s and auditions she’s been to (literally) on one hand. The has not not booked anything and they can’t really explain why. Meanwhile, when we sent her photos out to various agencies they all responded right away and wanted her. Three of them are on this list. I’m thinking we may have made a mistake. But is this common?
How old and tall is your daughter? If she has passed 5′ tall or 5’2″, then that could explain the limited # of castings. But if she’s younger and shorter, it doesn’t sound like she’s being sent out often enough. You certainly could resubmit to the other agencies and switch if there is interest.
Hi Jill, my son is 20 months and since birth I have always received compliments about how handsome he is and that we should get him into modelling. He’s a dual citizen of America and United Kingdom so spends time between London and New York, however I have found the market for black kids in the UK very limited, do you think there is more opportunity in New York?
Yes, I think there is a decent market for black kids—all ethnic kids—in New York. Why don’t you enter him in my model search: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
And subscribe to my free monthly newsletter: http://modelingmentor.us5.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=9ac8c2abbe1af96e0b38238cb&id=2742c18b6e
Good luck
My daughter is 3 and I am looking to get her in modeling.
Hi Kayona,
Why don’t you enter her in my model search: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
You can also read all about Child Modeling on my blog: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/category/child-models/
And subscribe to my free monthly newsletter: http://modelingmentor.us5.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=9ac8c2abbe1af96e0b38238cb&id=2742c18b6e
Good luck!
Hi im 13 and im a twin. Me and my sister would love to model in nyc and we live in new york.
Hi Ivana, Well you live in the right place! Why don’t you enter my model search: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
I look forward to seeing your submission! You also can sign up for my free monthly newsletter on the home page of my blog: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/
Good luck! xx
My son is 10 and very handsome. He has a very unique look! I would love to get him into modeling but really don’t know where to start or who to talk to about this! I know if I could just get his face out there designers would fall in love with not just his looks but his natural charm! Please help!
Hi Autumn, Why don’t you enter him in my model search: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
You can also read a lot about Child Modeling on my blog in these posts: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/category/child-models/
(Click “More Posts” to scroll back for more).
Good luck!
My daughter is 8 years old. 4’6″ … interested in modeling & acting… she has been to barbizon nyc for classes.
Hi Iris,
You should enter her in my model search: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
You also can subscribe to my free monthly newsletter here to stay in the loop on the model search and modeling tips and news: https://us5.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=9ac8c2abbe1af96e0b38238cb&id=2742c18b6e
It’s not necessary to spend money on a program like Barbizon, especially in a big modeling market like NY where you have access to lots of legitimate agencies. But, if you’ve read my About section, you’ll see I started at Barbizon too
Good luck!
Hello ,
I have a 3 year old and a 4 year old both girls, both love taking pictures and are very photogentic. I am interested in getting them both into acting and modeling. I just don’t know where to start as i reside in bronx,NY.
Hi Santiana! So sorry this fell through the cracks. You should enter your girls in my Model Search: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
You also can subscribe to my free newsletter to stay informed about the search and modeling news: https://us5.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=9ac8c2abbe1af96e0b38238cb&id=2742c18b6e
Read all the posts in the Child Models and Child Actor categories on my blog!
Good luck!
Hello I have a 4 yr old girl and a 7 year old girl I was wondering what to do to get them modeling?
Hi Brittney. You can learn a lot about Child Modeling on my blog. Take a look at these posts: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/category/child-models/
Definitely enter them in my Model Search: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
You also can subscribe to my free newsletter to stay informed about the search and modeling news: https://us5.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=9ac8c2abbe1af96e0b38238cb&id=2742c18b6e
Good luck!
Hi Brittney, I just learned that I lost a bunch of submissions in cyberspace! Argh! Please submit again here: modelsearch@modelingmentor.com
See model search details here: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
I’m looking forward to seeing your submission and am so sorry for this technical glitch! —Jill
We’re Bubblegum Casting, the longest running children’s talent agency in Australia. We have 3 locations: Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.
My daughter is going to be 7 and I would like to put her in to modeling/ photoshoots
Hi Mari, You can read a lot about child modeling on my site. Check out these posts (and hit More Posts to scroll back): https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/category/child-models/
You also can submit your daughter to my model search: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
Sign up for my free monthly newsletter here and be first to see contest winners: https://us5.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=9ac8c2abbe1af96e0b38238cb&id=2742c18b6e
Hi Mari, I just learned that I lost a bunch of submissions in cyberspace! Argh! Please submit again here: modelsearch@modelingmentor.com
See model search details here: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
I’m looking forward to seeing your submission and am so sorry for this technical glitch! —Jill
I am trying to get my kids into modeling
You can read a lot about child modeling on my site. Check out these posts (and hit More Posts to scroll back): https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/category/child-models/
You also can submit your kids to my model search: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
Sign up for my free monthly newsletter here and be first to see contest winners: https://us5.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=9ac8c2abbe1af96e0b38238cb&id=2742c18b6e
Hi Tina, I just learned that I lost a bunch of submissions in cyberspace! Argh! In case you submitted your kids previously, please submit again here: modelsearch@modelingmentor.com
See model search details here: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
I’m looking forward to seeing your submission and am so sorry for this technical glitch! —Jill
Thanks for giving me this chance I’m 14 maybe you guide me but I live in IRan you should send invention for me I’m 14 I love models very much and I love to be too please please help me
With great wishes for you
Sorry again where is your company?
Hi Shima, Have you submitted to my Model Search yet? You can find all the info on my blog home page: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/
Good Luck, Jill
(I’m based near NYC)
Hi Shima, You should submit to my model search! Here is the info: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/ Good luck
Hi Shima,
I just learned that I lost a bunch of submissions in cyberspace! Argh! Please submit again here: modelsearch@modelingmentor.com
See model search details here: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
I’m looking forward to seeing your submission and am so sorry for this technical glitch! —Jill
Your page and blog is very useful and so is this article. We have a 8 month old baby boy and we constantly keep getting comments that we should seriously consider enrolling our baby in modeling from a very diverse set of strangers. Having said that I wanted an honest opinion from someone who has been through it and knows the business and get some guidance and directions on the process. Looking forward to getting some mentoring from you. Thank you.
Hi Ami,
Thanks for reading! The biggest consideration will be where you are located. Being within an hour or so of a major market, like NYC, is key, so that you are readily available for castings. Let me know that and definitely enter your baby boy in my model search. The details of how to do that are here (it’s easy
: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
Also read up on the Child Modeling posts: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/category/child-models/
I’ll be more active on my blog soon. It’s been a crazy few months. Lots of fun stuff to report. Good luck!
Thank you for taking the time out Jill! Yes we’re in Jersey and an hour and a half away from NYC. I’ll follow the information you shared. Thank you again.
It’s great you are close to NYC. Be sure to submit to my model search!
Catching up here. Did you ever submit to my model search?
Hi Ami, I just learned that I lost a bunch of submissions in cyberspace! Argh! Please submit again here: modelsearch@modelingmentor.com
See model search details here: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
I’m looking forward to seeing your submission and am so sorry for this technical glitch! —Jill
Hi Ami, I just learned that I lost a bunch of submissions in cyberspace! Argh! Please submit again here: modelsearch@modelingmentor.com
See model search details here: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
I’m looking forward to seeing your submission and am so sorry for this technical glitch! —Jill
Hi my daughter is 11 and is 4’11 Very sweet and kind and cooperative she is wondering if we can get her into modeling agency or acting
Hi Alexander, Where do you live? Let me know that and also enter her in my model search (free and easy): https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
There are many posts on my site that will help you learn about Child Modeling: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/category/child-models/
Have a great weekend
Hi Alexander, Did you submit your daughter to my model search? I just learned that I lost a bunch of submissions in cyberspace! Argh! Please submit again here: modelsearch@modelingmentor.com
See model search details here: https://www.modelingmentor.com/blog/how-to-enter-the-modeling-mentor-model-search/
I’m looking forward to hearing from you and am so sorry for this technical glitch! —Jill
Hi Jill, My 11 year old daughter who is 5’4 has applied for 2 agencies. Future Faces NYC and Wilhelmina Kids & Teens. Do you think they will accept? Thank you.
Hi Kiki, Probably not, unfortunately. By about 5’2″ kids have outgrown most of the child modeling opportunities. Then there is very little until they reach age 18 and 5’8″+. If she continues to grow, I’d try agencies again in a few years. At that point, she’ll be a little closer to the age when they start developing girls. There are some overseas opportunities around age 15/16.