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Model of the Month: Phoenix Nelson
Introducing Phoenix Nelson, represented by the Linda Layman Agency in Tulsa, Oklahoma:
Age: 8 Â Â Height: 4’7″ Â Â Size: 10/12 slim
January 2013 Update: Congrats to Phoenix on booking his first commercial!
See Phoenix’s Modeling FB Page HERE
Models & Aspiring Models: Want to be featured on Modelingmentor.com and launch or boost your career?
Here’s how to enter the Modelingmentor Model Search:
1. Submit up to 4 photos, including at least one headshot (close-up) and one 3/4 or full-length shot to comment@modelingmentor.com
(These need not be professional photos. See my tips on photos to submit, near the end of Top Ten Tips for Aspiring Models. If submitting professional photos, please credit the photographer.)
2. Include your name, age*, height, clothing size, and closest big city to you. (*Photos of anyone under 18 must be submitted by a parent or legal guardian.)
3. List your agency’s name if you have one or note that you are seeking an agent.
If you win Model of the Month, have your friends “like” your page on Modelingmentor.com/blog (and share on FB, Twitter, etc. to spread the word!). The Model Advisory Board and a panel of industry experts will review the photos, beginning with those with the most “likes.” This is your chance to be seen by movers and shakers in the modeling world AND get guidance from me, your personal modeling mentor! Good luck!
View the Modelingmentor.com  Model Search Official Rules
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Congrats Phoenix!!!
Hey Jill,
How are you? I wanted to give you an update on Phoenix. He will be in his first commercial on Monday.
Can you add a link to his Facebook modeling page? Phoenix Alexander Nelson – Modeling Page….is the page name.
*Update on Phoenix* He will be in his first fashion show along with his brother Kenyian Nelson and his sister Nevaeh. Phoenix and Kenyian will be walking the runway wearing 4-5 different outfits. This show is an excellent opportunity to be seen by people in the modeling/acting business. The show is on 4/6. He will also be in a “Hair” fashion show on 4/13.
Congrats Phoenix, Kenyian, and Nevaeh! Have fun in the fashion show (and the hair show too, Phoenix!).
I have another UPDATE! Phoenix landed another commercial. In the next 10 days, he will be shooting a commercial and print ad for U.S. Cellular.
More great news! Congrats Phoenix!!
You can view Phoenix Alexander Nelson in this web series episode 5. He should be back in episode 9. The series is called “Anonymous”, and it is really good.
Great job, Phoenix!
I am sending you some new pictures. Also, I am updating his information.
Please view Phoenix’s Facebook for more updated images and photo shoots. He had changed quite a bit since these, and it is fit the better. He also had credits on neon grid and imdb.