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Unmata Belly Dancers: Turning Exercise Into Art

Whether you’re a model or mom (or both), exercise should be woven into your life. I’ve worked out regularly since college (to say bye-bye to the freshman 15) and much prefer moving my body to limiting what I eat! I love the endorphin rush that comes with a good sweat. And even though a mom’s life is inherently active (at least when lugging little ones and baby gear around), there is nothing more liberating than a yoga practice or solitary run. You have to carve out time for yourself, so why not do something good for your body and mind during that precious time?

After years of Stairmasters and yoga and kickboxing and spinning, my new exercise passion is dance. I take ballet, modern, and belly dancing—my all-time favorite exercise regimen! Not only do these classes provide a great workout, but I am also learning a skill and actively using my brain to memorize choreography, which has been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia later on. Add to that the bond that forms between people who dance together, and the benefits multiply. I have found a warm, supportive, wonderful community among the women at the Belly Gobbah. This means I never have those feelings of drudgery before going to work out.

Unmata, a renowned avant-garde belly dance troupe from California, just visited the Gobbah for a series of workshops and an awe-inspiring performance.

Unmata Bellydance Troupe


Here is a snippet of their belly dancing performance. You don’t see this in Connecticut every day:



Did a core workout ever look so fun or exhilarating?

Whether it’s dance or another outside-the-box exercise (Parkour anyone?), shake up your routine this spring. You body and soul will thank you.